Enter the highchair - da da da daaaaaaaah! We loooove the highchair, a very thoughtful gift from my former coworkers! Since I've started Carmen on solids (mmmm, pablum!), the highchair has come in very handy keeping her locked in, her bib on, and her little hands busy. She's gotten really quick with her hands now, blocking the spoon like a little Karate Kid - Heeeeeyah! If I do manage to get some of the dreaded pablum into her mouth, she uses her prowess at making raspberries to spit it back out in my face and all over my glasses! What a comedianne!
The highchair is also great for keeping her in one place while I turn my back - she is quite mobile now, rolling over and over to get places and grab toys. I'm not exactly sure how she's moving forward but she is, inch by inch. Smart cookie, that one!
She is so mobile now that I don't know how much longer I will be able to take her to class. Too bad, since she smiles and giggles for the most part and loves all the exercises we do together and the songs I teach the other moms in class. BUT she's also rolling into the little teeny 6-week old babes and trying to poke their eyes, which is not so good! So I've been looking into getting a bit of help here and there.
Nobody ever told me how hard this was going to be. Some days, usually those that I have a few classes to teach, I find myself just trying to get through the day, watching the clock and listening for the telltale scooter revs and Bella's yips and wags of delight signalling Jason's return home from school. I know that I want to stay home with Carmen and not return to my engineering job, but some days I think "OH MY GOD, this is MY LIFE".
I know why many women are eager to return to the workforce since staying at home is such a drastic change from life before baby. I hope that getting help with Carmen during my daytime classes will be a step in a good direction. Even though my "break" during the day will be to spend time with other moms and their babies, I know it will still feel like a break. A chance to take off my "mom" hat for a few hours a day would be welcome!

As Carmen has gotten older, she's developed a bit of a foot fetish... she sticks them in her mouth whenever she can. If there are socks in the way, she quickly pulls them off to reveal her tasty tootsies. Here she is, caught in the act!
And since she is so on-board with the stroller now, when she gets tired, she has taken to turning her head this way and that until her touque comes down over her face. If I try to move it out of the way (lest she suffocate!), she wakes up and gets angry. Sigh.

BTW, I knitted that sweater while I was pregnant and it FINALLY fits her! Our little tiny girl still only weighs just over 14lbs. Sounds like she will be taking after me in that respect!
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