Monday, February 20, 2006

February Fiasco!

February has been a wickedly busy month... getting this business off the ground, selling the condo, prenatal classes, renovations... crazy stuff.

We've officially sold the condo, subjects are off and we have a completion date of March 8. The day it was listed internally with our realtor Ken at ReMax, we had an offer. We countered at our list price and they took it. A few days later we had two competing back-up offers at the list price! It was nuts. It leads me to believe that we could have gotten a bit more if we were willing to hang on for a while, but Jason has a saying, "Save a little for the next guy..." I tend to agree and am glad to get the house finances sorted before I go into labour!

Business is going well, except that I'm finding it really hard to find instructors! Luckily I have a few I can use in the Spring until I am able to teach... my class roster is growing - I'm now at 5 community centers! It's very exciting to get rave reviews from people currently taking classes in East Van, I hope that the trend continues!

Prenatal classes are over and although some aspects of the Seeds of Birth classes were a bit airy-fairy for my taste, I have to admit that I learned a lot. Every class we had to squeeze ice cubes in our hands while experimenting with different pain coping and relaxation methods. Pretty hard when your hand is on fire with cold! The last class had us in "contractions", both hands in and out of frigid ice water again and again. The searing pain would almost abate before we had to redunk. By the end, I was seriously doubting whether I would make it through labour, but at the same time it forced me to confront my fears. I bawled openly in front of the class, but I did feel better at the end!

This past Saturday, Jason and I held a walk/run event from our house to commemorate his late wife, and also to raise money for the BC Cancer Foundation. We planned to sell shirts and were amazed when 66 shirts were ordered! The number kept growing and I think we had about 80 people at the house! Two women we didn't even know showed up with almost $800 in pledges - we didn't even ask people to get pledges!!! All together we pulled in over $2000 in donations. It was amazing, so much help from family and friends. The weather was gorgeous and my in-laws helped make sure there were enough pancakes, waffles, fruit and hot bevvies for everyone there. I will have to post pictures when I get them... Nunuboo was there snapping shots for us!

I hope everyone's February has been eventful and successful as mine!


  1. Good job on the condo sell -- Jason's philosophy of "save a little for the next guy..." really says it well.

    It's a nice constrast to both the engineering mindset ("Let's optimize!") and the big-city French mindset ("Me first!")

  2. Where are the pictures???
